Friday 8 April 2016

So Why Am I Doing This Again??

Hello everyone!!! Well - those two or three people that might take time out of their lives to see what I am up to. Roger Morrison that is if you haven't worked that out :-).
The adventure begins on 19th April 2016 when I leave Napier en route to Los Angeles to tackle the Pacific Crest Trail - all 2600 miles of it. After a couple of days in San Diego I start the trail on the Mexican border on 22nd April 2016.
There are numerous blogs and journals set up by people tackling the Trail - all far more professionally presented & updated than what I will be capable of, so I'll be learning as I go. The other noticeable thing is how organised these people are!!! I have enough trouble working out what I'm doing tomorrow let alone 3, 4 or 6 months down the track. Never fear, I have most things sorted, provided the US border security allows me access to the home of the brave and the land of the free.
Why am I doing this?? Apart from the stars aligning in terms of no work commitments, finances and support from back here in New Zealand, I can only really answer that question by the desire to always know "what is over the next rise, around the next corner and through that bush". Otherwise I'll let you know if I have any other light-bulb moments as I work my way though this challenge.
Other blog sites have sections dedicated to gear lists, planning, training, more gear lists etc etc. Yeah - nah. This site is really a way for people to see what I am doing from a New Zealander perspective. If anyone is ever interested enough to want to know more I'll answer the questions as I go.
So this is my initial post for the journey that is the equivalent of walking State Highway One from Cape Reinga to Bluff & return (with a few 100 kms thrown in at the end).
I'll put together a couple of more posts over the next week & practice adding photos and the like - believe me, my technological skills are pretty pre-historic. Talking of pre-historic, the practice is for hikers on the Trail to have a pseudonym to use. At this stage I am looking at using "weta" given that they are pre-historic, ugly and slow - but tough (not sure about whether that will apply to me but lets' hope so).
Until next time.


  1. Good luck and happy trails (as Roy Rogers used to say - thought throwing in Roger was appropriate, even if the cowboy was a plural!).

  2. Found you, Roger. All the best on your walk and take each day as it comes. Cheers, John Craven

  3. Have a great adventure Roger (and watch out for snakes)

  4. Have a great adventure Roger (and watch out for snakes)

  5. Sounds like an awesome adventure Roger. Our family will be following your posts with much interest

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Wow. Have an awesome time on such a great adventure.
