Tuesday 21 June 2016

Day 57 - John Muir Trail Experience

Mile 811.8 to Mile 832.6 - 20.8 miles

With the PCT following the John Muir Trail (JMT), I can now understand why this trail is world recognised. From mountain passes to glacial lakes to roaring waters to majestic valleys to towering peaks - today had it all. The early part of the day saw us in typical JMT scenes. This was looking back where we'd come from...a valley on the left
And looking forward
Our first task was Mather Pass at 12096 feet
You can see the zig zag on the left. It wasn't too difficult apart from scrambling up some loose rocks which wasn't ideal. From the top we could see a lot of snow in the glacial valley ahead down to Pallusade Lakes. I chatted to a German guy at the summit who had worked in Stratford building a power station!!
The descent was made easier by using micro spikes fitted over my shoes. The early start meant the snow crust was still icy
Credit where credits' due...the JMT steps were much better
Pallisade Lakes were simply stunning and a great place for a lunch refuel
Above the lake the towering Pallisades looked inviting for climbers
A few miles later I came around a bend and oh wow...!!!
The Pallisade Creek Valley stretched before me with a drop down to the floor requiring some inventive switchbacks - a bit like those mountain passes in the Tour de France
Walking down the valley and then round to the right was simply stunning. Towering precipitous steeples of rock 1000s of feet in the air glowering at you from both sides of the canyon with the thundering Pallisade Creek (later the Middle Fork of Kings River) made for a jaw dropping afternoon. The snow melt made for thundering spectacles as water crashed down steep bluffs with fury.
Waterfalls never translate well to photos but this shot gives you an idea of what I mean...
With side streams overflowing I was saved a swim by this bridge
A magnificent day in simply indescribable scenery with a 2500 foot climb to 12000 beer over a snow covered Muir Pass tomorrow morning...Weta

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