Saturday 20 August 2016

Day 120 - Washington Edges Closer

Mile 2062.4 to Barlow Pass - 26.6 miles. Miles from Mexico - 2089.

Once again Tiptoe & I did not quite reach out target - deciding on discretion with a tough 5 mile climb to be saved until the morning.
Overnight we had an "intetesting" experience with two animals storming through our campsite making noises like bad asthmatics. Initially we thought bear or sasquatch....but maybe just elk searching for romance!!! I was also spooked by other noises but told that they were owls.
It was an interesting day with a stop at Little Crater Lake which is a 45 foot deep artisan fed spring with amazing blue colours
Mt Hood National Forest takes pride in the PCT passing through with this impressive gateway
We also had trail magic from Gilch - a few ales, Asian pears & bars.....a nice surprise
.....Tiptoe looking apprehensive about the 9 miles to go.
Late in the day we finally found ourselves in the shadows of Mt Hood
We've ended the day at Barlow Pass - the 2nd of two highway passes (Wapinitia Pass was far busier) at the trail head. It's a climb in the morning to Timberline Lodge to collect a resupply box & to take in the USD15 buffet breakfast.....Weta


  1. getting closer mate - keep enjoying that beautiful country. Must admit some of those animals would leave me a bit nervous ! Managed a 44 min 30 sec 10km at the centre road champs so the old legs can still get a bit of speed!!!! Double Marton to Wanga's In a couple of weeks - again!!!!

    1. Which is a bigger worry when the animal is unseen!!! I'll have to feel the soles of my feet again before I can think about running...
