Monday 22 August 2016

Day 122 - Using Mountains To Plot The Trail

Mile 2103.6 to Mile 2125.1. 21.5 miles

Through Oregon & Washington there are mountains at regular intervals. They act like a visual map for hikers on the trail as way points on our travels. Today was no different as we worked our way away from Mt Hood with the Washington mountains our new target. Once we hit the Waucoma Ridge mid afternoon we started to get better views of firstly Mt St Helens
St Helens blew a hole in it's flanks a few decades back in a violent eruption that had a cataclysmic effect on the local landscape.
Mt Rainier then started to appear on the distant horizon. It is further away but the highest point in Washington & a big lump of mountain
Late evening I got a shot of Mt Adams which is our first target after Cascade Locks - and is climable :-)
While Mt Hood was in the rear vision mirror it still gave us picture postcard looks
Earlier in the day we detoured past the picturesque Ramona Falls
Late in the day we went back up to Waucoma Ridge to catch the gorgeous sunset
Traffic wise there weren't many hikers on trail today. Not Guilty called at our campsite late in the day heading north while a southbounder Alex joined us for the evening. There was also Gillian & Skyler - a horse trekker who does sections going south but is fact going north as she drives ahead with her trailer.
We also met a couple wheeling their ailing dog in a buggy for his last big adventure :-(.
There were wild berries everywhere today so had my fill of thimbleberries & blueberries. There was also a lot of overhead plane traffic as we crossed under the southern flight path for Portland Airport which is not far away.
Tomorrow we head down the Eagle Creek alternative route to Cascade Locks for a near nero or two - out last days in Oregon.....Weta


  1. You need to slow down Roger every day is a day closer to work again. Any day in the mountains is better than work.
    Perry spending a Saturday running to Wanganui and back is just plain desperate stuff.
    You could of taken him with you....hell just had a vision of you and Perry and a step ladder to get him over the big rocks. Best he didn't go.

    Cheers Kym

    1. Any day not working is generally better than work :-). Maybe Aarn or Kathmandu will sponsor me & I can live in a tent forever....there I go...dreaming again.

  2. Hey Rog, It looks like you're enjoying yourself a lots on your crazy walk ! Back here there's been times where it's been busy and times where it's been really relaxed as I'm sure you know through mums weekly updates. A while ago my friend Maddie and I decided to take on your Lasagne. I have to say we did REALLY well. It started off crap but we eventually made it taste great. Mum said herself that ours was better than yours. We've upgraded our TV, Laptop and fireplace and I'm very happy. Haven't been able to watch our movies which is a bit of a bummer but oh well, I think i can wait a little longer ! I hope that all is going well and that you enjoy these last few months.

  3. Thanks for the best wishes Jess. Aaahhh...lasagne. Along with meat pies, hokey pokey ice cream, roast lamb, kumara etc I crave NZ style food sometimes out here. Good luck with the mocks & externals upcoming :-)

  4. I'm going to contact Kathmandu tomorrow on your behalf Roger.

