Tuesday 2 August 2016

Day 99 - A Satisfying Day

Mile 1604.8 to Mile 1632.1 - 27.3 miles

With over 5000 feet of climbing, it was an honest day but ultimately satisfying. The weather was hot again but I took advantage of some luck in my favour as in the morning the trail was mostly on the eastern side of the ridge I was following with the opposite in the afternoon - and a breeze when needed. Even the post lunch climbs were tolerable and got me in to my work. The day was spent in and around the impressive Marble Mountains with these sorts of vistas
That's Maneater Lake apparently!!
We also worked our way through a lot of forest burn areas today, which has been common in the last two days
These two marble mountains were my target most of the morning, eventually passing underneath them on this side
It was a quiet day people-wise on the PCT with one couple first thing & then nothing until late afternoon when some horse trekkers & day hikers were resting at Paradise Lake. Once again I have my campsite to myself.
Tomorrow promises to be a challenge for day 100. I have a 21 mile trek to Saied Valley - part of a 22 mile drop from 7000 feet to 1373 feet. I plan to rest up for a few hours then will tackle the 5000 foot climb (over 8 miles) late afternoon. Ah yes...the PCT - what goes down then goes up!! We northbounders have drawn the short straw on this one...Weta

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