Sunday 3 July 2016

Day 65 - Exploring Yosemite........& Agnes

With what in PCT terms was a zero day we sure have done a lot of walking. A group of 4 banded together & headed down the JMT towards Yosemite Valley clicking up 22.5 miles. The culmination of the day was topping Clouds Rest - the highest point in the valley.
That's Early Bird (Sebastian - German guy that always starts early), Thirteen ( from Adelaide & thats how many blisters he had on his feet after day one), me & Bliss (Nova Scotia native who is named after her favourite author & was celebrating her birthday). They were good to hang with for the day - Sebastian talking about Brexit & the impact on Germany. Thirteen & I "discussed" the merits of Australian cricket. Bliss talked about the intrigue that is Nova Scotia while she also was married to a kiwi from Rotorua.
Earlier we had stopped for a swim at Cathedral Lakes - cold but bearable & apparently swimming in the buff is frowned upon in USA - could've told me that before I dived in...
Cathedral Peak was quite striking
The decision to climb Clouds Rest gave us a look down at Yosemite Valley & Half Dome which we climb tomorrow
We ended up camping with three locals as well as Lid & Goodwill near the Half Dome trail. A couple of rangers warned us of a pesky beer (that we named Agnes) who was causing problems at campsites nearby. At around 9.30 pm we heard shouts from a nearby camp suggesting Agnes was around.  Having retired to bed we were awaken by crashing & banging at 10.30 pm. The locals quickly worked out Agnes had been up to our camp & stolen one of their bear cannisters & was trying to open it on rocks. The lads managed to scare it off & get the cannuster back. An hour later we get waken again as Agnes tries the same thing. Having been scared off you'd think that was it....oh no. At 12.30 it was my turn to get aroused & spot Agnes again at our fire pit trying to get at the cannisters. Having been scared get off for the 3rd time you can guess how good a night's sleep happened after that....we've dined out on the stories ever since...Weta


  1. Gidday Rog,
    wow not a dull moment on your epic adventure, loved the bear story. 3 times is a charm they say.. got to give Agnes points for persistence.
    We've just had elections here and pretty much no idea which party will progress as it was very close.. looks like a "hung Parliament" so we Queenslander's are thinking we may have a "Qexit" in the offing.
    Your looking great from the pic and steaming along on your journey, keep up the brillant blog..
    love Dayse xoxo

    1. Hey there Dayleen. We were using more basic words than persistence at 12.30 am. What had happened previously was a hiker had not closed their cannister properly so Agnes was thinking her daily calories were easier to obtain this way than digging for ants all day.
      Over here the Texans are calling for Texit. I believe one Pauline Hansen has not quite disappeared yet - sigh, you Queenslanders!!!
      You take care there xxx
