Saturday 16 July 2016

Day 86 - HALF WAY!!!!!

Mile 1302.9 to Mile 1328.8 - 25.9 miles

At 2.45 pm on Saturday 16th July I have finally reached the halfway point on the trail - a great feeling knowing that every step is now closer to Canada than Mexico.
It also meant a team photo with Tiptoe & Mowgli
Now for Oregon!!!
The day itself went by quickly with no real major climbs and a nice 2500 foot descent to finish the day before we headed to Chester for a resupply etc.
Just before lunch we found ourselves in and around the mountain that provided some mirth that I will leave to your imagination
So now we head in to drier areas as California reminds us how patched it is here.....Weta


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Mandy. A big hurdle out of the way!!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Magnificent to have reached halfway. Assume that means another three months or so before you are back in the Boardroom for some more shortbread! Fantastic achievement Roger.
    John and the law centre team

    1. Thanks John. Still got some work to do out here but the threat of shortbread will certainly be an incentive to pick up the pace...
