Saturday 23 July 2016

Day 93 - What Did I Do To Upset Bees??

Mile 1471.1 to Mile 1493.9 - 22.8 miles

For the last few weeks it has been noticeable that the bees have been "active" in & around the trail. Usually they hassle Tiptoe - we blame her pink shorts. But today was my turn. At lunch I became surrounded by them & one got up my shirt to sting my back. An hour later one then stung me on the hand when I was walking. They look a bit like our wasps but being bees, I am always loathe to swat them - may have to rethink that!!
The day passed without too much other drama. Our combined climb of 7000 feet was much more bearable today with decent shade. I had a few catch ups today including Digger who I haven't seen since mile 650. After lunch we had nice views of Mt Shasta from the west - looking very non-Taranaki like now
On its western flank it has a very volcanic like peak that is very prominent
I have ended up camping 5 miles short of Interstate Highway 5 & Castle Crag Park where the others are. I can hear the traffic & trains from here. The group will be splintered for a bit as Mowgli is going to resupply & head up trail tomorrow morning. Tiptoe & the others are going to zero in Dunsmuir. I am going to resupply tomorrow & get back on trail in the afternoon. I plan no stops until Oregon which I figure is about 9 days hiking away.
I had a fire tonight to keep the bugs away but you have to be careful when dry camping to make sure you bring enough water in. Actually my meals for the last two nights have been better than normal. Tiptoe had a spare freeze dried chicken & rice dish which was yummy while I scored a Mountain House beef stew tonight that filled me up nicely....Weta


  1. keep those photos coming mate - awesome views you must be having

    1. Been tough going in the heat the last few days but yesterday was better in terms of outlooks...if a little grey/blue haze from the heat. Almost in Oregon!!!!!
