Wednesday 4 May 2016

Day 12 - Climb Every Mountain

Idyllwild to San Jacinto Peak - 12 miles.

That doesn't look like much mileage but when you have climbed from 5300 feet to 10800 feet it's about going up - and singing Sound of Music songs as you do. We started off the trail & we are still off the trail by 2.5 miles rejoining at 186 mile mark tomorrow. The trip to the peak is optional. This kiwi from sea level started to struggle above 9000 feet with the altitude reducing me to a breathless mess at times. But we got there & what a view. From the coast near LA to the San Gabriel mountains in the north to Palm Springs in the east as far as the Salting Sea to the hills near San Diego. Remembering there are only 6 or so higher mountains in NZ, trying to do justice with pictures is not easy.
Rather than hike down we stated in the nearby cabin which had no heating & insulation. You can guess the rest.
Until next report Weta


  1. What an experience Roger.Enjoying the blog keep it up. It Seems 9000ft and marathons have the same effect on you. All the very best you lucky bugger.

  2. Mr Black sir. An apt comparison you think? The Sierras section of the trail may not be open until 15 June so still might bump in to you coming the other way. It seems there is a bit of snow up there. Cheers.
