Wednesday 4 May 2016

Day 13 - From Snow to Desert

San Jacinto Peak to Mile 205 - 21.5 miles

That seems like a lot of miles but it's been all down hill - almost to 1000 feet after being at 10850 feet in the morning. From hard packed ice laden snow to a dusty campsite on the edge of the desert - this place is crazy!!!
The morning started with a beautiful sunrise as seen in this scene
After a few miles we were able to replenish our water at a mountain stream - Focus & two German girls busy here
The track down was beautiful in amongst the boulders & fir trees & sugar pines - the ones with missile type cones
Passed the 200 mile mark on the descent. Before then I got a view down in the desert where the rumble of cars of Interstate 10 & trains rolled up from the valley. The big building is a casino!!!
Anyway o.o better get some sleep as an early start tomorrow to start out detour of a fire damages section to Big Bear. Until then Weta


  1. loving youre posts mate - that area with the casino was the area I ran through near the end of my run - went directly past it. Lovely area. Perry

  2. Newburn!! Good thing you didn't go through on the day I did - massive head winds. The day before it was 37 degrees in the desert. Amazing area with all the windmills though. It took forever to drop down from the altitude as the track snakes down in a gradual fashion - it was originally built for pack horses. Hope all is good with you & the family. Rog

  3. Hi Roger,
    Mum has been showing me your blog, I like reading what you are doing and seeing your pictures. From Jorja Day

    1. Hello Jorja. Thank you so much for your message - made the day that much better :-). It is hard work a lot of the time but the scenery & the people make it worthwhile. I hope you are still enjoying your running & making those boys run faster. Say hi to your Mum too. Roger.
