Monday 16 May 2016

Day 23 - A Salute to Scouting

Wrightwood to Little Jimmy Campground - 14.5 miles. Miles from Mexico 383.9.

The day started with our hosts giving us a lift to the trail. Here we are sitting packs. From left to right - Megan, Am Petunia, Ohio Joe, Amy, Brian, Banjo
Our big task of the day was climbing Mt Baden Powell - an ascent of 2817 feet to 9399 feet. As Baden Powell (the founder of Scouts) was English I claimed the mountain on behalf of the Commonwealth, gave a rousing rendition of God Save The Queen & immediately imposed border controls on non Commonwealth visitors - hurrah. Good views too - north to Mojave & south to the Pacific & LA in the gloom
Soldiered on to a popular camping site & settled in for the evening Weta

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