Tuesday 31 May 2016

Day 37 - Ridge Walking

Mile 592.9 to Landers Meadows - 16 miles. Distance from Mexico 608.9 miles

Solid day today following the ups and downs of a ridge at around 6500 feet. Most of the day was in amongst pine trees including our campsite at days end at Landers Meadows. There was an early climb which rewarded us with this view (Johnny in shot)
We had a great lunch spot at Robin Bird Spring not long after passing the 600 mile mark (although the locals firing away at the wildlife nearby made us a bit edgy with some black humour filling the void)
The ground later in the day was covered with these beautiful purple flowers
Water has been a big issue on this stretch with this spring at days end typical of what we rely on & in this case the last natural water source for 42 miles
The next two days could be the most testing so far as we hit dry open terrain with the prospect of rattlesnakes and only Joshua Trees for shade. We are "confident" of water caches en route but will look at trying to counter the heat by getting an early start.....Weta

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