Tuesday 10 May 2016

Day 18 - Heading West

Highway 18 to Little Bear Spring 19.5 miles. Miles from Mexico 285.6.

The PCT now's takes a westerly turn for a while to avoid the middle of the Mojave Desert which lies to the north - smart move that. The day started with a ride back to where we left the trail - after pancakes at the hostel. We climbed into the hills to the north of Big Bear before snaking along the ridges in amongst the pine & fir trees. At days end we dropped to 6500 feet & our campsite. As we climbed we looked back at Baldwin Lake
If it looks a bit murky thats because it's dry. It relies on rain & snow falling but a lack of enough of either means the Real Estate Agent blurb for lakeside property takes on a new meaning.
A bit further on we have Big Bear Lake
Big Bear town is hidden the trees. The trail came through the left of the San Bernardino mountains in the background.
Towards the end of the day we were walking in an area where a forest fire has occurred 5 years ago
We couldn't decide on the nature of the quarry in the background. Then around the corner
We dropped down the valley from here. You can see where we are going the distance including the San Gabriel mountains in the distance northof LA I think!!! Downhill tomorrow Weta


  1. Only just caught up with your past week's blog. Amazing stuff Jukebox (I like that).
    Steve Lindsay and completed the T42 last weekend. Forgot how brutal 42k of running can be. Happy with times - me 4.14, Steve 4.30. Gorgeous day on the Central Plateau and great course. However I certainly take my cap off to you Roger, what I did is your daily routine!
    HB marathon this Sat - not for me but I'll keep you posted on the players in that field.
    Keep on truckn'...........David

    1. Good work David. Not sure if I will be any faster when I get back!! I'll keep truckin though.

  2. Weta Jukebox Roger.
    Perhaps just alias. You seem to be covering the miles quickly with the days off it seems like 28km a day. Slow down you will only see it once.
    Have you got one of those red "Make America Great Again" caps Donald Trump puts out, a great collectors item. Now you have seen some of small town USA imagine what it used to be like. Get me one to.
    Enjoying the post keep it up.
    Safe travels.

    1. I'm sure I can find you a cap Kym. As for the miles - well I"he got nothing else better to do :-). All good - taking everything in.
