Monday 23 May 2016

Day 31 - Joshua Tree Day

Mile 521.5 to Tylerhouse Canyon - 20.1 miles. Miles from Mexico 541.6.

When we camped on Day 30 there was "discussion" around whether it was a Joshua Tree forest or not?? After consulting Mr Google & checking other specimens en route we agreed that we were amongst young Joshua trees. They have unusual fruit while also providing us with the only shade all day
For the most part of the day we followed the LA aqueduct & then later on picked out way through a wind farm - all on the fringes of the Mojave Desert
The trail was designed this way to avoid using private land that bordered the area.
It was a generally flat to celebrate one month on the trail but late in the day the PCT did what it is best at with an 1800 foot grind to reach out campsite...Weta


  1. And the Joshua Trees only grow at certain elevations! You'll only find them at a very select altitude. They've been here since the dinosaurs! Cheers, Amy

    1. that's why there was a grove of them as we dropped in to Tehachapi. Thanks Amy. We thought they had bark but realised that was the older trees only.
