Monday 23 May 2016

Day 32 - Don Quixote's Worst Nightmare

Tylerhorse Canyon to Tehachapi 16.9 miles. Miles from Mexico 558.5

This trek is not solely about natural wonders. The manmade ones can inspire as well. Coming down in to Tehachapi Pass late morning I was increasingly incredulous at what was unfolding in my field of vision. We are all familiar with the wind farms around Palmerston North. Well this is on another level. We are not talking hundreds - we are talking in the thousand plus range. A photo cannot do it justice as all up this valley it was just windmill after windmill....all sizes & spewing out on to the desert floor. Astonishing.
And out in to the need to see it to believe it
A 5.45 am start meant I could watch the sun rising over the Mojave Desert. Once again it is hard to capture by photo as a blue haze makes it look.....well hazy
In PCT style we had a tough 1800 foot climb to get the heart rate up. At the top we had this waiting
This couple had left out apples, water & chairs. Chairs are bliss & hugely underrated. Trying to do anything without a chair is....well put it this way, there are not many rocks & trees that make a good substitute. Talking to a fellow hiker later in the day he mentioned that he stayed up there & in the morning the couple called over with a pot of coffee!!! They live nearby in a mountain cottage....made for a great start to the day. The rest of the hiking was some of the easiest of the trail with a drop down to the road to Tehachapi where a Trail Angel picked me up for the 10 mile trip to town where I am now....lying on my tent listening to the umpteenth massive train heading out towards the Mojave. Zero day tomorrow here in this clean & prosperous town....Weta

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