Tuesday 31 May 2016

Day 40 - Zero in Lake Isabella

Lake Isabella is well off the trail being a 37 mile hitch on the road to Bakersfield but it is the best option for a resupply.
Hitching was a problem with minimal traffic however a guy with his daughter eventually picked me up for the full trip.
Lake Isabella is a bit like Tehachapi in that it is spread out. An excellent breakfast at Neldas Diner was followed by a laundry & eventually a shower at the motel Buff & I decided to share. Food for the next stretch was also sorted. The real killer has been the heat. Lake Isabella sits in this oven of a valley & heaven knows how hot it was today. We will need to get on trail early tomorrow to beat the stifling afternoon temperatures. A couple of shots of Lake Isabella

An interesting aside to the day was a discussion with Mayor - the guy with the dog on trail. He also has ' done the Appalachian Trail but wrote a book that he self published on Kindle. The book "Lost on the Appalachian Trail" has moved a significant amount of copies which nets him 70% of royalties that are paying for his PCT trip. An interesting guy & got me thinking....Weta


  1. You could.........great read so far Weta

    1. Cheers David. I had a long talk with Mayor & he keeps an excellent journal of notes so will at least up my game there for starters

  2. You should don't hesitate. I have another idea for you when we catch up.

    1. A Kym idea - as long as it involves generating an income :-)

  3. You guys okay with the fire up there?

    1. For those not sure what Amy is talking about....read on :-). But - yes I am okay.
