Friday 20 May 2016

Day 28 - Point A to Point B

Agua Dulce to Green Valley - 23.7 miles. Miles from Mexico 478.2.

Today was one of THOSE days. PCT was doing what it does best with the Trail going up & down four ridges. Most of the Trail was in low scrub so scenery wide it was hard to stay enthused - especially after the 3 hour grunt up the first 1500 foot climb.
LA needs water which is a problem when it never rains. So these reservoirs feed its thirst
LA also draws water everywhere including from the Sierras where itis channelled south through aqueducts.
I saw two more rattlesnakes today with one accompanied by a swarm of bees.
Our day ended at Trail Angel Terri Anderson's home in Green Valley. Handed a loud Hawaiian shirt when we arrive the camping set up comes next. It is in this enchanted forest type setting
For a donation we get fed a taco salad then pancakes and coffee in the morning. She is one hard case left who has been doing this for 17 years - including the big hug gives you when you arrive. A neat place to stay Weta


  1. Good work Roger, keep soldiering on mate!!! what a beast

    1. Thanks Kristian. Not sure about the beast bit though some days. The feet are pretty tender but the Salomons are hanging in there.

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