Tuesday 31 May 2016

Day 36 - Heading North

Mile 572.9 to Mile 592.9 - 20 miles

At last we feel like we are heading towards Canada. Over a number of days I have stared at my shadow in front of me in the mornings as we've tracked west. Now I have my shadow on my left in the mornings and my right in the afternoons - must be heading the right way then
The camera pointed north!!!
It was a steady day with a couple of gnarly ups and some welcome downs but I was pleased to see camp at the end of a day of ridge hopping.
One of more unusual thru hiker companions was chilling at lunch
That's Mayor in the left and Katana (Trail Name - Catfish) on the right. A Japanese Hunting Dog, she would be the most docile, friendly and good natured dog I've ever encountered and she's already a veteran of the Appalachian Trail.
It was another gorgeous wildflower day with some different blooms on the trail

The white flowers were a blaze of colour inside which the bugs were devouring.
Only 107 miles to Kennedy Meadows....Weta

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