Tuesday 31 May 2016

Day 38 - Wow....wow....oh wow. What a day!!!!

Landers Meadows to Mile 633.29

Best. Day. So. Far. I've been a bit "let down" by not experiencing the true desert-like conditions I was expecting. I got that today - & was just blown away by the stark, brutal but stunning landscape unfolding before my eyes. Around every corner was another jaw dropping moment. I was the proverbial kid in a candy store. Late in the day I was talking with the Dutch fellow Frank and we agreed that the day had been outstanding with both of us having taken more photos than at any other time.
I got that early start at 5.15 am to try and beat the heat (in the two days following it was expected to get to the late 30s/early 40s). After spooking some deer first thing I dodged in between these Mayan type mountain tops which looked magical in the morning sun & nestled amongst the purple lupin bushes

After dropping off the ridge we had been in for 3 days we got a welcome surprise with a water cache with the typical vortex of bodies
From left to right - 63 year old Buff from Northern California. Lovely bloke but nursing some ugly heel blisters. Banjo. Neck tie who wears a......neck tie - an English chap who carries a guitar, sings like an angel & knows Nick Cave :-). Speed machines The Graduate & T-Rex who put in 30 mile plus says. Somewhere around were The Prodigy and Butters who keeps losing stuff (as in butter fingers).
For the next few miles I climbed up to a pass (finally heading north after tracking east) that was simply stunning.
The view north to the barren Joshua Tree landscape was compelling
To the west was this boulder strewn monolith
To the south you can see the road crossed before heading up the pass
To the east these tor like mountains appeared all day - like what you'd see in the UK on Dartmoor
The trail then edged around a mountain to look out over a deathly looking valley before passing the 1000 km mark. After shading to avoid the midday baking sun & the biting flies I then hiked in the heat in the jaws of the nearby Mojave. One tough climb was made worse by having soft sand underfoot - a bit like walking uphill in the soft shifting sand at Ocean Beach. The sweat was cascading off me but I was on a natural high by now & the effort was exhiliratingly exhausting. The reward was a view over the Mojave that no photo could replicate but Frank's gaze said it all
After a bonus 2nd water cache it was a gruelling scramble up the 7000 foot Skinrier Peak to end the day. I bailed at 6430 feet when I found a magical spot to set up after an amazing day with this view
Wow. Weta


  1. Amazing description, what a buzz for you

    1. What was interesting was that a lot of people rated it their worst day - the heat & the beach climb up a mountain being the body blows :-)

  2. incredible stuff... so buzzy!

    1. This kiwi was certainly in awe. Bounced back a little the next day when the heat started to kick in - getting up towards 40 degrees :-).
