Saturday 21 May 2016

Day 30 - I Would Walk 500 Miles...

Sawmill Campground to Mile 521.5  - 23.3 miles

Another milestone today with passing the 500 mark, which was duly noted with a melodious version of the Reid brothers trail song
The day was one of contrasts as we started in amongst trees and ended in dry desert conditions. After an initial 1000 foot climb it was a drop to the desert floor. Views out over the corner of the Mojave we would be crossing were awesome. One shot picked up some cropping circles where irrigators were drawing water from the nearby LA aqueduct to draw life from the desert - looks a bit like the patterns you see from the sky around Omarama down south
Upon reaching the bottom we decided to make the most of the mileage made to peel off another 4 miles in the desert conditions while the temperatures were cool. An route we passed by the LA aqueduct & also walked on top of an underground feeder pipe in to the system

 The day finished with us finding a cool camp site with these amazing cacti as a backdrop
So an easier day with mainly downhill & flat (a rare thing for the PCT). Tomorrow looks flatish with a climb at days end...Weta


  1. Googled 'Tarantula Hawke' - a wasp with a sting that is like electric shocks through yr body. Mean blighter, meaner for Tarantulas though. Congrats on the 400 mark.

    1. When I get on the plane back to NZ I will make sure none have hitched a lift. I guess Customs would not approve. Cheers on the top congrats - only 2160 miles to go...urgh :-)

  2. Fantastic efforts so far Rog, wow 500 miles a big congrats to you buddy. Now you'll walk 500 more....
    The pictures are amazing and I'm sure just don't do justice to the actual landscapes you are seeing.
    Enjoying the blog and getting up to speed with the PCT adventure.
    Damn it, now I cant get that blinkin song outta my head...
    Dayse xx

    1. Hey there my little Aussie buddy. You are right about trying to do justice with photos. Some days you almost need 360 degrees vision to take it all in so a photo will never cut the mustard. Ah's interesting what songs can get stuck in your head....worse if it's an advertising jingle!!! I hope you are taking care of yourself there & all is good xx
