Thursday 26 May 2016

Day 35 - On The Road Again

Tehachapi Pass to Mile 572.9 - 14.6 miles

Back in the saddle today. Picked up a ride from a friendly local to my start point with the first 8 miles wandering the ever growing pile of windmills. The first target was a road/rail crossing
Thank goodness we had an overpass as my road crossing skills in USA would have had me run over getting across this lot - look left first!!!!
We then got down to business with a 2000 foot climb up to a 6000 foot ridge where I found this cool campsite which was mostly sheltered from the incessant wind
That's Banjo in shot who finally caught me up today after waiting for delivery of shoes in Wrightwood.
The climb had us gazing out over the Mojave Desert with the road/rail slicing across the nothingness & the occasional cluster of buildings being desperate towns & facilities like Lockheed or is that Edwards Air Force base in the distance?
Being up on top of this ridge I can look down on the wind farm stretching out in to the desert - it just keeps growing!!
We are in the middle of a 26 mile no water stretch to be followed by a 42 mile dry run...phew. Until next time....Weta


  1. Hey Roger, Keep it up mate. Enjoy checking in on your progress. Been meaning to post for last month but only just now created a Google account. Not sure how you do it...20 miles a day, every day. buggar that. Awesome effort! Oh, and guess what.... still no Nav start date....

    1. Hey Trev. Walking helps fill in the time :-).
